Class Lunches - Class of 1960

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Class Lunches – Steve Weddle and Henry Marcy ‘60

In addition to taking advantage of Harvard events like the Harvard/Yale Game brunch (before) and drinks (after) at the Gordon Track, since 1970, the class of ’60 has organized about five lunches per year in the Boston area. Reminders of the lunch go out to about 230 classmates (160 by e-mail and 70 by post) in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island and to other classmates around the country who have asked to be included on the lunch notice list. At last count, about 25 classmates come to each lunch and we have had 119 different classmates attend since 1992. Our “program” usually consists of each classmate providing a few remarks for no more than three minutes regarding current important aspects of their life. Pictures were taken at the most recent lunch and a link to those has been posted on our website, A luncheon is being planned with Radcliffe ’60 and our significant others.

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